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Language guidelines

Every word we use to represent Intelligent Email — every landing page, email, and social media post — impacts our brand. Consistent use of language helps us build trust and connect with our customers.

About statement

The about statement is a short, straightforward, and memorable answer to a common question: “what do you do?” Use it for a quick introduction.

Transform emails into actionable insights for better business decisions.

Elevator pitch

The elevator pitch is meant to start a conversation. It’s a memorable introduction to our brand — what we do, why we do it, and why it matters.

Your company’s emails hold the key to better business decisions. We use AI to inspect and analyze every email in your organization, unlocking data and trends on a scale never before possible. Track customer and employee satisfaction, monitor for effective communication, and uncover the insights hidden in your team’s inboxes.


A headline starts a conversation. But a good headline doesn’t finish one. Use these to get a reader’s attention and encourage them to read more.

The answers are in your email.

Turn emails into data you can use

Unlock the insights in your email

See the data buried in your company’s inboxes

Email isn’t going away


Artificial intelligence

Capitalize both letters in AI, an abbreviation for artificial intelligence. Do not capitalize either word when you use the full phrase.

Proper nouns

When possible, avoid creating proper nouns, or nouns that are always capitalized. When the use of a common noun — like seat, manager, or scan — is unlikely to cause confusion, the word does not need to be capitalized.

Some words could be used descriptively or to refer to unique aspects of the platform. Capitalize these proper nouns when used to refer to a specific feature or plan. Do not capitalize references that do not use the proper noun alone.

Yes: Dashboard

Yes: interactive analytics dashboard

No: Interactive Analytics Dashboard

Proper nouns

  • Dashboard
  • Basic, Premium, Enterprise

Examples of common nouns

  • Active seat
  • Analytics user
  • Sales
  • Manager
  • AI scan

Job titles

Capitalize job titles only when used directly before the employee’s name.

Yes: Read the latest updates from Founder Chad Miller

Yes: Read the latest updates from Chad Miller, our founder

Yes: Our users include executives, sales managers, and directors

No: Read the latest updates from founder Chad Miller

No: Read the latest updates from Chad Miller, our Founder

No: Our users include Executives, Sales Managers, and Directors